To be eligible for UDS year end awards or scholarships, volunteering at UDS recognized events or for other projects for the board of directors is required. Please check the UDS Rules to understand the volunteering requirements for a particular award or scholarship. Thank you for your support!
What Counts?
To be eligible for year-end awards, UDS members need to complete and submit four volunteer hours. If you’re looking for ways to earn hours, here are a few ideas:
Help out at a UDS-recognized show.
Whether a USDF-recognized show or a part of the UDS short tour, the UDS-recognized shows need volunteers. You might scribe, serve as a ring steward, or do any number of other tasks, depending on the show’s needs. Contact the show secretary directly to learn more about how you can help.
Assist at the UDS banquet.
We can always use extra hands, both setting up or serving at the banquet itself and in the weeks leading up to the event, as we gather everything together to make it a special night. We also need help with obtaining and organizing donations for the silent auction fundraiser. Contact the Events Director to find out where you can help.
Work at a UDS clinic.
Whether helping with the build up or at the clinic itself, we often need extra hands. Our Education Director is the best person to email to find out how you can help.
Write an article for the UDS omnibus, newsletter, or website.
Perhaps you’ve been to an event? Perhaps you’ve had a training insight? Contact the Communications Director and pitch your idea. If the idea sounds like something that would be beneficial to the members, we’d be happy to have you write for us.
Unfortunately, not all forms of volunteering qualify for volunteer hours. To help clarify the boundaries, here are some examples of volunteer work that do NOT count towards UDS volunteer hours:
volunteering at a non-affiliated event, such as a combined training event or a schooling show or a non-UDS clinic
donating an item/service to the silent auction
* Because all UDS members can advertise their events on the UDS website, not all clinics listed on the website are official UDS events and thus may not be venues at which you can earn volunteer hours. If you need clarification on what counts for your hours, please contact a board member.
You may submit documentation of your volunteer hours using the form below or in another manner, if more convenient, as long as the same information is provided.