We are currently pulling together the Omnibus for 2018. If you would like to advertise in the Omnibus, on the website or in the Newsletter, here is the current policy, excerpted from the UDS rules for your convenience:
UDS Advertising Policy
The UDS Newsletter encourages and supports member services and products through pre-paid commercial advertisements. Please send an e-mail to the Communications Director for information or to place an advertisement. Prepayment is necessary for single month advertisements, while invoicing and net 30 is available for repeat advertisements.
1. Full Page: $50
2. Half Page: $35
3. Quarter Page: $20
4. Business Card: $15
Omnibus Ads have a separate pricing structure. All ads, including prize lists, must be paid in full prior to printing each year. The deadline for all Omnibus submissions is December 15. Payment via Pay-Pal is acceptable.
1. Back Cover - full color: $450
2. Inside Front or Back Cover: $350
3. Full Color Insert Page: $250
4. Full Page Black and White: $200
5. Half Page Black and White: $150
6. Quarter Page Black and White: $65
7. Business Card Black and White: $45
Advertise Events in the Newsletter (Member Only)
All ads are considered commercial ads unless you are a UDS member. Members are allowed to run an ad in the Newsletter. The ad is limited to 50 words or less, and may include one photo. Each add will cost $5 and will run for one issue of the Newsletter. The ad must be received by the Newsletter Editor no later than the 25th day prior to the month the Newsletter is to be published.
E-mail Blasts
E-mail blasts are available to current UDS members for community "cork board" communications. free of charge.
Classified Ads
If a member would like to list an item for sale, e.g. tack, clothing, horse, house, land, etc. and would like it listed in the Newsletter, they may submit a classified ad. The ad is limited to 50 words or less, and may include one photo. Additional words and/or photos may be purchased at an additional cost. The ad is free as a benefit of current membership (Non-members are charged $15).
If a current member would like an item for sale listed on the website, the fee is $10 for 50 words or less and may include one photo. Non-members may place website ads for an additional $15.
Barn and Trainer Listings
One way to develop and increase Barn & Trainer business is to place your information on the UDS website at no charge. The listing is a benefit to members. In order to be included in the barn or trainer directory, you must be a UDS member and submit the information you want listed on the website to the Communications Director.
Business Directory
The UDS Business Directory is a collection of the businesses that advertise in the UDS Omnibus and website. It is updated yearly in concert with the publication of a new Omnibus and regularly with the website