I have been on the USDF Nominating Committee for nearly a year. The convention is in Salt Lake City this year. If you are a Participating Member (PM) of USDF and interest in being a Delegate please let me know. Your responsibilities would be to attend the Board of Governors meeting and vote on governance issues, go to the meetings that you are interested in and meetings for delegates to get information. Let me know if you are interested in becoming a PM Delegate and I will send your name to the Chairman of the committee. You will need to write a 50 word blurb on your own behalf and then you will be added onto the voting ballot.
I also volunteered to be The Dressage Foundations State Representative. This organization gives scholarships to both individual riders and funds to GMO’s for various activities. I have been donating to them for years and feel they give riders a wonderful chance to get more education. I would have starved if I had become a salesman so if any of you have good fundraising skills I would love some good ideas or even some help. I plan to have a jar at most activities for donations and will contact Horse Crazy for a raffle item. A copy of the Dressage Foundation brochure is attached below. Also, please check out their website! www.dressagefoundation.org
- Eva-Maria Adolphi