We would like to thank and welcome our new Board Members; Birgit Pulli - Secretary, Nora Williams - Director of Education, Sandra Rivero - Director of Membership. Clarissa Taggart is a current Board Member but is now taking on the Vice President Position. Mary Smithing is also changing positions to the Director of Communications. Susan Heilner has been re-elected to serve another term as the Treasurer. Lindi Kopecko and Ammie Lords will continue to serve in their current Board Member positions.
Emily Sagers will be finishing her term as Vice President of UDS and has been on the Board for many years. Jasmine Beckstead will also be finishing her term as Director of Communications after serving multiple terms. We thank them for there time and dedication to the sport and the community and will miss them in our meetings! We hope to see them around in the future and wish them the best!