Dallas McCullough and Cambry Kaylor have both qualified to ride in this year’s North American Junior Young Rider Championships and making the Team is very exciting for both them and the UDS!Dallas McCullough will be riding the FEI Junior Third Level test on her Swedish Warmblood Bailer with her coach Patti Thurman by her side. Their hard work and determination has paid off in spades! Cambry Kaylor will also be competing in the very first Para Junior Championships. This is the first year that the NAJYRC is including the discipline of Para Dressage! Cambry will be riding her Danish Warmblood Markgaards Donnewind in the Para grade Ib and will be accompanied by her coach David Macmillan. For those who are not familiar with the Para grades – they go from Ia as the most severely disabled then to Ib, II, III and grade IV. Those riders classified through the USPEA as grade IV have the least amount of impairment. This is only Cambry’s 2nd year showing in Para Dressage and is making her name known as she makes her way closer to qualify for the Paralympic Selection Trials along with our very own Lara Oles!