The Utah Dressage Society is pleased to announce a new scholarship opportunity for UDS members that could use some support bridging the gap from schooling/short tour shows to the USEF/USDF/UDS rated shows!
There will be a few more short tour shows coming up in Utah county if you still want to qualify! Also, don’t forget that starting this year the UDS will be doing year-end short tour awards at the annual awards banquet.
*Make sure you have a current UDS membership!
UDS Bridge to Rated Shows Scholarship:
Deadline - November 1st
UDS is dedicated to furthering the education of any UDS member committed to improving their dressage knowledge and expertise regardless of age, experience, riding level, and accomplishment. Once a year the UDS will award a scholarship of ($500), to an applicant with an average Short Tour Series score of 63% or greater, that has NOT previously competed at a USEF/USDF/USD recognized show Opportunity classes are exempt. This will be used to assist in transition from schooling shows to rated showing. Award Criteria: Awards will be based on an average of the STS scores with a minimum average of 63% from three (3) scores from two (2) different shows and two (2) different judges. One (1) of those scores must be from the highest test of the level. Applicant must NOT have previously competed in USEF/USDF/UDS show, with opportunity classes exempt. Applicant MUST have 4 hour of recorded and approved volunteer hours. Applicant must include a 500 word essay detailing their show aspirations, and volunteer contributions. Funds must be used to attend a USEF/USDF/USD rated show within twelve (12) months of receipt. Applications must be RECEIVED no later than the application deadline, preferably by e-mail. Applications will be scored by the UDS board. E-mail completed applications to Incomplete applications will not be considered.