Applications for Fall Scholarships are due September 15th.
Please see the UDS Rules (pages 24-25) for more information and the application.
UDS Educational Scholarship Application
The purpose of the UDS scholarship is to foster learning for those UDS members committed to the sport, whether it be someone riding at Training Level, or Grand Prix, with weekly lessons or working on their own in an area without access to weekly instruction. The basis of the award criteria is the applicant's commitment and dedication demonstrated to the discipline of dressage in general and how the intended use of the scholarship will help the applicant reach individual goals.
The Utah Dressage Society will award six (6) scholarships each calendar year, three (3) in the spring and three (3) in the fall, to encourage and promote the further training and education of Utah Dressage Society member/horse partnerships. Twice a year, three (3) - $250 scholarships are available one each to a Junior/Young Rider, Amateur and Open rider. Scholarships must be used to further the dressage education and training of the applicant. Eligible expenses will include: the cost of clinics-mounted or un-mounted, reasonable expenses to attend those clinics, the cost of educational materials such as training books and videos, and other educational opportunities such as symposiums.
Award Criteria
UDS is dedicated to furthering the education of any UDS member committed to improving their dressage knowledge and expertise regardless of age, experience, riding level, and accomplishment.
Awards will be based on an essay describing the planned use of the award, the benefit to the applicant and how the applicant has helped UDS in the previous 12 months. (See specific instructions below.)
Current UDS Board members may apply for an Educational Scholarship.
First preference is given to UDS applicants who have never received an award or 12 months have elapsed since the award of a previous scholarship. In addition, the applicant must have provided a minimum of 8 hours of documentable volunteer service in the past 12 months. Should any scholarship monies remain after the first round, it will be given to a board member who applied prior to the deadline date.
Scholarship awards must be used within twelve (12) months of the award.
Reimbursement of Awards
Reimbursement will be made to each recipient upon completion of the educational experience, proof of purchase (receipt) for the event, and submission to the UDS Newsletter of a 500 word or more essay on how the educational experience contributed to the applicant's dressage training. The award must be used within the UDS calendar year received. The submission of the article must be within 12 months of completion of the educational experience.
The purchase of tack, computer software, association dues and competition expenses are not eligible. If you have any questions on whether an expense is allowable, please speak with the UDS Director of Education before submitting your application.
The SPRING application deadline is March 15 with notification by April 15 and the FALL application deadline is September 15 with notification by October 15. Applications must be RECEIVED no later than the application deadline, preferably by e-mail. Applications will be scored by the UDS board. E-mail completed applications to the current Education Director. Incomplete applications will not be considered.