The Scribe Certification Clinic will be a good place to learn how to scribe or to sharpen already existing skills. Scribing is more than simply writing down the judges comments on the tests. There are many details that makes one a competent scribe. This clinic will help the participants to understand the responsibilities of the scribe and offer many helpful hints on how to be a organized during the show. The clinic be offered in two parts. April 2nd is the classroom portion and on April 11th will be the practical application portion. First part will utilize videos in a classroom setting and Alison Child will offer her "L" Judge experience as a teacher with Stacey Hornsby. The second part is held in conjunction with the Ride-A-Test Clinic. The scribes get to practice as the riders and horses are being judged during the clinic by Marlo ViVenzio, "L" Judge. This is a nice way to learn in a situation where there is less pressure than in an actual show.
The participants who finish both sessions to the satisfaction of the clinic teachers, will receive a certification for scribing from UDS. If you have always wanted to volunteer to be a scribe in some local shows, but lacked the confidence, this is a good opportunity to gain the knowledge and practice needed.