The Ride a Test clinic will be held simultaneously with the Short Tour show at Rose Ranch, both judged by Trisha Kerwin-Bell (L program graduate w/ distinction) to accommodate as many riders as possible.
We have opened up registration to accommodate riders for the Ride-a-Test clinic BOTH FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORNINGS. Short Tour show classes will be held over BOTH AFTERNOONS!
If you have already sent in your Clinic entries but would like to ride Friday morning please let us know. If there are limited entries the Clinic and Show may be held just on Saturday.
Ride a Test Clinic Deadlines are May 6th for mail-ins and May 8th for online entries. Entries can be emailed to – please pay by paypal to
Please identify which day you would prefer to ride Friday, Saturday, or both. Clinic rides will happen before Show rides on Friday and are TBD for Saturday. USEA tests are welcome.
Please Contact Allie Wicks for questions about the Short Tour Show @ 801-573-7433 or
There is NO MINIMUM SCORE required to ride a freestyle test at any UDS Short Tour show and Rose Ranch will gladly accommodate them!
We are also in need of volunteers for both days/events! This includes scribes, ring stewards, score tabulatiors, runners, and announcers. Contact a UDS board member or Allie Wicks.
Make sure you are a current UDS member to qualify for Championships and for discounted rates at UDS events!